BELLTEST 1.0 by Gregory Mathias Lemperle-Kerr (for use with NewBell V1.0 by Dan Wilga) BellTest pops up a dialog box with the options: 1.) FIND .SND - choose the .SND we are working with it's speed will be shown in the dialog box... see below. If it is not within 1-5 it defaults to 3. If none of the speeds light up... it's a bug... but a documented one,... so it's a feature. Select one before playing or else! 2.) 1-5 Select the speed to play at... after I wrote it, it turns out 5 is the same as 3... Dan? 3.) Speaker Play the sound, saving it's speed for future NewBell use. 4.) QUIT Quit the Tao Master's program. NOTES: NEWBELL.PRG is searched for in current directory, then in C:\AUTO, then in A:\AUTO. If it can't find it, it will let you know. (It won't work without it). Have fun... -- Greg P.S. an effort is made to save the screen if memory is available. if not, deal with a messy screen. (Since I don't know how to redirect output yet. If you know, e-mail to